ICVG – presentation

At the ICVG congress, we presented two posters as part of the MYCO GRAPE project. The posters are related to the interaction of mycorrhizal fungi, grapevine viruses and plant physiology with an emphasis on the photosynthetic activity of the grapevine. Also, the quantification of the GRPSaV virus was investigated in different grapevine tissues depending on the mycorrhizal status of the vine. Colleague Mate Čarija also held a presentation on the physiology of virus infected grapevine in front of the scientific community, bringing forward interesting results.

ICVG 2023

At the congress in Greece, the 20th conference of the International Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-Like Diseases in Grapevine was held in Thessaloniki. There, the microbiological team of the Institute for Adriatic Culture and Karst Improvement presented two posters and one oral presentation. In future posts you will be able to read more about the results that we presented to the scientific community.