In the period from 19th to 22nd of September, dr. Raffaella Maria Balestrini held a methodological workshop on gene expression determination with qPCR. Using real samples, we went through all the steps necessary for successful relative quantification of gene expression. Introduction to methodology of this kind of analysis, will be of great importance for further progress of the project.
Author Archives: Emanuel Gaši
On September 16th and 17th, in the Institute for Adriatic Crops, a Kick off meeting was held. The main objectives of the project, a detailed plan and assigned individual activities were presented to a team of associates from Slovenia, Italy and Croatia. We discussed about a research setup, but mostly about forthcoming activities. The ideas and suggestions were shared, which will greatly help in successful project realisation.
The next day, September 17th, dr. Raffaella Maria Balestrini held a presentation named: „AM fungi and grapevine: from biodiversity to functional aspects“ presenting valuable knowledge on mycorhizal and grapevine interactions, acquired through long-term scientific research on arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
We look forward seeing You again. Saluti! Na zdravje! Živjeli!